OK … you can finally drop your ugly Hollywood 'baggage' right here.
27 November 2005
If you haven't seen the film, just grab a Pepsi out of the 'fridge, pop up some Jolly Time with a little real butter (the kind that lets you hear your arteries harden – you'll live), and take a good look at Andy Bergman and Jane Anderson's little masterpiece. You'll find the Nicolas Cage and Bridget Fonda you've always been looking for and never thought you'd see – together. Way beyond that, but amazingly from the get-go – and right in front of your very eyes – you'll begin to discover a good part of your heart in the process. You know, that part that guys don't like to talk about and women always do? This cynical man certainly did…

'Feel good' movie? – you better believe it. But don't shy away or you'll miss being human. All the 'good stuff' you ever imagined yet knew ahead-of-time is in this little caper: great plot, great story line, great acting – great film. And just the right amount of the right musical score. The trick is (and believe me, it's no trick at all) to put yourself in their shoes: as others have said, what would 'you' do with 2 million dollars that fell into your lap? You'll be thinking so hard you can miss the magic. Don't let that happen …

Years ago, as my flight instructor used to say after GUMP (gear, undercarriage, mixture, prop) and right before landing, '…just fly the plane, Bob.'

Just watch the movie. Your own three-point landing will work itself out – and, your arteries will soften…

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