Featuring a man born without a sense of shame
11 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Actually, I'm not as angry at John Edward for appearing in this show (although I consider him to be an utter slimeball) as I am at the Sci Fi channel for broadcasting it. The cynical executives running the Sci Fi channel have proved, beyond a doubt that they will whore themselves out for money and broadcast ANYthing, no matter how stupid, degrading or duplicitous, as long as the FCC doesn't actually shut them down. And to think they canceled "Mystery Science Theatre 3000" so they could start carrying trash like THIS - oh, and movies like "Boa Vs. Python" and "Death Octopus III"...

As for the show itself...it's nothing but Edward performing "hot readings" on the studio audience. Often these members are preselected via screening and eavesdropping and other basic confidence stunts. Edwards uses the same old mind games and parlor tricks employed by every palm reader, fortune teller and faith healer before him. Skeptics like James Randi have been trying to educate the public about these scams for decades, but apparently the public WANTS to be fooled.

In fact, according to investigative reporters from "Reason" magazine, Edward and his producers also edit the studio footage extensively to cull out the vast number of "misses" and "strikeouts" that occur in a typical session in order to make Edward look better in the assembled footage.

There are also occasional extended case studies where Edward and crew take an extended look at some family's brushes with the supernatural and the afterlife, presented in a bland, "Hallmark Moment" format that prove, if nothing else, that people are incredibly gullible and will believe anything you tell them if you are vague enough. Of course, I am assuming that the episodes aren't made up from whole cloth in the first place and the "subjects" aren't actors being paid to lie through their teeth.

I have an open mind about the existence of spirits and the afterlife...but watching Edward toy with the emotions and deeply held griefs and sadness of vulnerable members of the audience is enough to make my gorge rise. I seriously want to travel to the studio and punch the man in the solar plexus. And then I'd tell him, "I am sensing a feeling in the room, a feeling maybe starting with a "P"..."Puke"?? Is it "Puke", John?? Am I right??"
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