King Kong (2005)
14 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Peter Jackson's King Kong is like a car dragging through mud.In a normal drive you would be at your destination in decent time with some obstacles and you can enjoy your ride but if there are far too many it gets out of hand and you check your watch and get annoyed. The original film is a classic.Denham a greedy film director leads his cast and crew to Skull Island.The island is a place which time forgot filled with fascinating creatures and monsters and the home of Kong. Denham wants to film his picture but naturally it's the depression and producers are hesitant about giving him the cash. Denham quickly hires Ann Darrow and kidnaps his screenwriter Jack Driscoll and sets sail for the island. Through their explorations they encounter monsters of all shapes and sizes and horrific threats.Denham's film is destroyed, he tells the Captain to bring Kong to New York City to be put on stage.People familiar with the story knows how it picks up.I'm expecting thousands of Ringers who haven't even seen the 1933 classic will be hording theaters though so I won't completely spoil it.

There are fine performances all over,anyone doubtful about Jack Black will be plesantly surprised.

Kong looks utterly fantastic.If I were George Lucas I'd all most be half afraid that his toilet paper distributer I.L.M might be in trouble. WETA has created the most realistic special effects ever caught on screen. The movie is visually stunning,and is full of amazing spectacles.WETA deserves to yet again sweep the technical acihevement categories at the Oscars.One of the biggest achievements of the film is how Jackson and his team have perfectly captured Depression era New York.I'd all most want this to be shot in good old grainy Black and White King Kong has a **** star movie trapped and gasping for air in a *** one. I understand why LOTR needed to be as long as it was but there was no reason King Kong had to. Jackson has added too many slow dramatic camera shots,and some sequences run over and over and over.Black and crew get trapped in too many perils.When Adrien Brody goes through a cave to rescue Watts,Bats awake it doesn't scare you,in fact I was saying please don't attack I want to get on with the movie! How many times can the audience stand looking at Naomi Watts looking up at Kong and Kong staring back in wonder for so many minutes.So many of the scenes were unnecessary and belonged in the can.King Kong is a case where I wouldn't mind an hour or so of the movie butchered.Heck Pete you could have saved them for your Extended DVD! ***/****
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