King Kong (2005)
Better Than The Other 7 Wonders...
19 December 2005
I sat, on the proverbial edge of the seat, with my mouth resting in my nachos. The scene in question, a tumble down a chasm with some rather large reptiles totally amazed me. It felt like the first time I saw a brontosaurus on Spielberg's little theme park, sustained over what must have been 15 minutes. I felt like one of those aristocrats seeing Carl Denham's theatre show in the actual movie, totally in awe.

The film moved me more than any other romance and excited me more than any other action movie. What other film can boast a fight 'T-Rex vs Giant Gorilla' as well as a moment that makes your eyes glaze over? Performances all-around were great but what really mattered, after an hour of build-up was that they got Kong right. The emphatic answer was heard amongst bristling trees and cries of 'Konga'...O Yes!

Jackson has a completely unique knack for turning sacred material into sacred film. Not even Spielberg, Jackson's big budget family movie extravaganza predecessor could be trusted so implicitly with such a task. Jackson could be trusted with remaking the Bible...Kong is a perfect film!
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