Drake and Josh Go Hollywood (2006 TV Movie)
I like Drake and Josh really I do but this movie was horrible
15 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I'm only giving this a five because I like the talents of Drake Bell and Josh Peck. All of the main actors involved were more talented than the lame (thanks Dan Schneider) teleplay.

I liked the beginning scenes in the house and Drake playing at the old folks home (the apple sauce wanting senior citizen was about the funniest part of the whole movie) because it seemed the most realistic. Well, I suppose no retirement home would accept a rock and roll band as the talent. I also liked the scene in the car on the way to the airport. Drake, Josh and Miranda Cosgrove (who plays Megan Parker) really act like they could be siblings.

Some misguides: Walter (Jonathan Goldstein) didn't know the Titanic was a real ship? Gee, no wonder he's just a weatherman. Drake and Josh trying to go past security. What one of the previous posters said about the Presidential Suite that Megan was staying in--even if Mrs. Nichols (the always underused Nancy Sullivan) had a credit card with a sky high limit there's no way Megan could stay at that hotel without parent notification first. The criminals weren't all that tough. Geez, even in The Beatles' "Help!" Victor Spinetti's character pulled a gun out on the lads. Megan being able to take the money from the currency machine after she turned on the fans (and the only people who noticed her were her brothers). There's so many errors, that you get the general idea. It seems that Dan Schneider was just putting out a product and characterization went out the window. I can't tell you how many times us fans of the show sit and analyze things to death that the powers that be could care less about because it's "Only a Nickelodeon show."

It was also nice seeing Drake sing one of the songs from his album "Telegraph" called "Hollywood Girl". Ironic that Drake Parker gets better publicity for Drake Bell songs than the real Drake Bell. Also a minor gripe that a record deal wouldn't come that fast and he never would have been offered the chance to be on "TRL" as an unsigned artist in the first place.

There's some funny/cute interaction between the principal players and Drake's real life music gets some TV exposure, but the movie just falls flat. It could've been a million times better.

During one of the trailers the voice over says "their first movie"...if there should be a second, I hope it is not as terrible as this outing was.

And calling it a movie is misleading because if you take out the commercial breaks it is only like an hour and six minutes long.

It's a shame that some of the better fan fiction writers out there respect the characters better than Dan Schneider the man who created the show.

"you're no Wayne Newton".

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