The Sopranos: Long Term Parking (2004)
Season 5, Episode 12
Margetis Review: The Sopranos, Episode 64 "Long Term Parking"
14 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Finally, an episode that beats this season's "All Happy Families." This is one of the most (if not the most) compelling and thrilling episode of The Sopranos ever created. It definitely makes my top five episodes of all time! People who didn't like last week's "The Test Dream" because it moved too slow, don't have to worry about this episode taking the same road. The two most thrilling plot points of this episode were the struggle between Tony and Johnny Sack, and Tony trying to find Tony B., and deciding whether or not to kill his own cousin. The other was the F.B.I. tightening their grip on Adriana, and want her to get Christopher to flip. The scene where she asks Christopher to flip, is compelling and harrowing, and almost makes you believe Christopher kills Adriana, when he starts violently choking her. He loosens his grip (and to a SHOCK) agrees with Adriana to go into the Witness Protection Program. When Christopher goes outside the apartment to get fresh air, he sees a redneck family that makes him reflect on his life, (but you don't know what is going on in his mind), all you can see is a blank stare. Then Adriana gets a call from Tony, saying Christopher tried to , by overdosing on sleeping pills, and that Silvio would pick her up to take her to the hospital. When her and Silvio are in the car she starts to cry and Silvio says, "What are you crying for, Christopher is going to be fine." Well, that seems to be the only true thing said in this episode. Christopher is fine. Apparently, he chose the business over Adriana, and told Tony she was a F.B.I. informant. Tony then called her and lied about Christopher, so Silvio could pick her up. Where did he take her? Out in the middle of the woods to blow her brains out. The thing I liked about this sequence was they didn't show her getting shot (which is good because she is probably the most character on that show.) But on the road to her, Silvio shows some misogynistic qualities that were apparent in episode 32 "University". The ending was outstanding, when Tony and Johnny Sack meet under a bridge to discuss business, once Tony finds out Little Carmine stepped down from wanting to be boss, and Johnny Sack took the reigns. Tony tells Johnny Sack he knows where to find Tony B., and tells him "make it quick." Johnny Sack replies, "I'll have Phil Leotardo do it." Knowing that will be far from a painless , Tony makes an almost sure to get himself killed decision and replies, "You know what, go f*ck yourself because he's family." When Tony drives away, Johnny Sack gives him a cold stare that could freeze over hell. And with that, the episode comes to it's conclusion. I hope next week is as good or better than this week's, but I count on being disappointed. Written by Terence Winter ; Directed by: Tim Van Patten. My Rating: 10/10
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