THE Perfect Kung-Fu Action Film
19 February 2006
DUEL TO THE DEATH is an incredible film. Admittedly, I'm not the kung-fu film expert (gore and sleaze being more my forte...), but I can recognize a great film when I see it...and DUEL is one of the most enjoyable films I've seen in a VERY long time. I don't throw out 10's often, but I really can't find anything wrong with this one.

DUEL is about a tournament that's held between China and Japan's best swordsman. Both competitors are absolute experts in their techniques, and hold honor and patriotism in the highest regard. But along the trek to the tournament location, there are numerous hinderances thrown at our "heroes". Flying ninjas, disappearing ninjas, burrowing into the ground ninjas, poison-wielding ninjas (did I happen to mention the ninjas???....) try to trip up our worthy combatants at every step. Throw in the hosting clan's jealousy at not being allowed to participate in the duel, and a plot by the Japanese shogun to rig the fight - and you have non-stop, insane, kung-fu ninja action...

The influence that this film has had on other modern martial-arts action films is undeniable. Films like KILL BILL, HERO, HOUSE OF FLYING DAGGERS and NINJA SCROLL give obvious nods to this masterpiece. I really can't rave about this one enough. The cinematography, choreography, costumes, settings, the amazing high-flying acrobatics...everything in DUEL is absolutely top-notch. Being a relatively big Japanese pinky/exploit film fan, I could have used some more nudity and sleaze...but this isn't that kind of film. Judged on it's own merits, DUEL TO THE DEATH is the PERFECT martial-arts film, and deserves a look from any action fan. Highest Recommendation - 10/10
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