I have the utmost faith that one day Johnny O'keefe will be immortalised with a great bio-pic!,
20 February 2006
However this movie is not it. Johnny O'Keefe's life is cut down to two hours with so many crucial events cut out. This movie does not even focus on all the great stuff he did, how he put Australian music on the map, how he was an inspiration to young Australian musicians everywhere, instead all it focuses on is the morbid details like him being temporarily placed into a mental hospital. The actor who plays O'Keefe does an awful job, and you don't even hear any original O'Keefe songs throughout the movie! The clichéd ending is absolutely horrific! This movie is a disgrace to the great Johnny O'keefe. The stage play of the same name was a lot better and serves as a far more fitting tribute to the legend that is Johnny O'keefe.
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