Brosnans Best Bond Film
5 March 2006
Has there ever been a more beautiful baddie in a Bond film than Sophie Marceau? (maybe Luciana Paluzzi in 'Thunderball' to answer my own question) This woman is GORGEOUS and one of the series best characters. Pierce Brosnan gets better with each movie and out of his four this is probably the best. The pre-credit sequence, the longest in the films history is worth the entrance fee alone, an amazing chase along the river Thames it is simply stunning and should really only be viewed on a big screen. This sequence is what Bond is all about, outrageously over the top excitement that kicks the film off to a cracking start, in fact I'd go as far as saying this is the best pre-credit beginning of all the Bond films. The story actually makes sense as well for once - no real plot twists (except Electra) and all the action is there for a reason, not just as spectacle. Judi Dench gets her best outing in this, proving herself capable of getting out of tight situations and it's nice to see Robbie Coltrane again (the caviar factory scene being another highlight). The humour is kept in check and doesn't descend into parody like some in the series ('Diamonds Are Forever' for example) but when Bond says 'Q isn't going to like this' when his car gets sliced in half is one of the funniest moments in any of the films. Speaking of Q this is Desmond LLewelyns last Bond movie, he died shortly after and the film is dedicated to him. All in all this is as good as any of Connerys films and the best since 'The Spy Who Loved Me' with good all round performances from all involved although Denise Richards was obviously picked more for her looks than acting ability. A worthy addition to the series this is my 6th favourite 007 film.
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