Theater of the absurd
8 March 2006
This is Ed Wood's masterpiece. One literally has to experience this film to understand how nuts it truly is. The film literally makes no sense whatsoever and that is the brilliance of it. The story of the transvestite Glen/Glenda is told by not 1, but count them 2, yes 2 narrators. One of whom was the sad, pathetic drug addled Bela Lugosi. Watching him rambling almost incoherently "Bevare, bevare..." it is hard to imagine just 20 years before he was the toast of Broadway as "Dracula", just watching him spouting his mindless chatter gives the film a surreal quality. Obviously this was the biography of Wood himself and watching him take the angora sweater from his confused yet loving fiancée is priceless. This movie takes camp to a whole level of it's own. No other film, not even "Plan 9 from Outer Space" can touch it. One watches it in utter amazement.
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