Welcome Back, Kotter: Hark, the Sweatkings (1976)
Season 2, Episode 12
Touching Episode
15 March 2006
This is obviously the Welcome Back Kotter Christmas episode dealing with some harsh facts about the holidays. It also teaches that sometimes people are incapable of change. This took place in 1976 and I remember it as if it was yesterday. It was so nice to see Michael V. Gazzo in something other than gangster movies. Although he plays Angie the bum, this episode was ahead of its time dealing with the homeless. He was a regular guy until his gambling habits became a problem. I remember that he took care of him, groomed him and basically gave him a second chance in life. It really stuck out in my mind after all of these years. Naturally, all of the same sweathog hijinks as usual, but a couple of really tender scenes. The sweathogs learned a lot about having bad habits and how it could ruin your life. Check it out!
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