Simple, Pleasant Feature With Good Photography
16 March 2006
This short feature is quite simple, but it's pleasant and fun to watch, and it includes some good outdoors photography by Edwin S. Porter. It has plenty of energy, and the actors all look as if they had a good time making the movie.

The story starts out with two groups of young women going on a 'straw ride' in the snow, with things gradually becoming increasingly boisterous as numerous other persons join in. Except perhaps for the clothing styles and the horse-drawn vehicles, it could have been filmed today, since these kinds of antics in the snow are common in pretty much any time and place that has a cold winter.

In fact, it has the spontaneous feel of a home movie, except that the photography is generally of such good quality that at least some of the action must have been planned. Porter does a good job in catching almost all of the activity, and in setting up a good contrast between the bright snow and the dark clothes worn by most of the cast. To be sure, there's nothing especially new or challenging about the production, but it's an enjoyable little feature that's certainly worth spending a few minutes to watch.
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