Very Original, But..
19 March 2006
Who would have thought it? My second horror anthology film in as many days. In this one, a paranoid lad who is having trouble getting to sleep at night is told three fairy stories by his weirdo uncle.. but with a twist. In the first, two witches are trying to revive their dead relative by getting their nephew to invite guests over, who they promptly slaughter and throw in a cauldron for ingredients. The second has Red Riding Hood becoming a fitness fanatic who is desperate to lose her virginity with her boyfriend while being pursued by The Big Bad Wolf (who just wants his medication back..) Lastly, in the best of the trilogy, Goldilocks is transformed into a homicidal maniac with psychic powers who has just escaped from a loony bin along with 'The Three Bears' and is on the run from the police. Yes, it is all as mad as it sounds.

And pretty cheap too. Like 'Chillers' that I saw just yesterday, the production was obviously operated on a very tight budget. But that doesn't excuse scenes where the boom-mike thrusts itself into view or we can see daylight through the windows, though it is supposed to be night. Whatever else you might think though, there is some very imaginative premises here which I can only guess how the writer came up with. For instance, The Three Bears are now humans, with Baby Bear as a simple-minded giant, Papa Bear as a fast-talking midget and Mama Bear as the stern matriarch of the trio. can I have some of your stash, please Mr Screenplay guy??

BUT (and this is a big BUT) the fact remains that this is still pretty awful stuff. It isn't frightening, the first two stories long outstay their welcome and the attempts at humour mostly fail miserably. A few one-liners stand out, like when Goldilocks is caught in the shower "You were expecting maybe Janet Leigh?" I also like the actor playing the uncle as well, who would rather watch porn on TV than read to his nephew. He deserved a bigger part than some of the no-talents in the cast. Ultimately though, this is one for those long winter evenings when you're drunk and can't get upstairs. If you're soused enough, it might just start to make sense.. 3/10
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