"Bloody awful is more like it". Pretty terrible horror film, that's quite boring, with cheesy gore effects, and a routine story
20 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is a pretty terrible Horror film, that's quite boring, with cheesy gore effects, and a routine story. All the characters are so,so, and while I did like the twist ending, it was basically the only bright spot in the film, however Gerald McRaney gives an amusing show as Wesley. With this title, You'd probably expect this to have a lot of blood, well it Doesen't, and Evelyn Hendricks is amusing as Wesley's mother, plus it's incredibly cheap looking, and very amateurish as well. It's poorly made and written, and there is an unintentionally funny moment, when Wesley is getting drunk, and his friend, asks him to leave, so he smashes the bottle, and threatens to slash his throat with it, as that cracked me up for some reason, plus not much happens, and the death scenes are really quite dull. The blood is laughable looking, as it clearly looks like red paint, and I got this in a horror DVD horror set called Back From The Grave, with a bunch of other horror films, plus it was hard to pay attention in some scenes because it wasn't all that interesting. This is a pretty terrible Horror film. that's quite boring, with cheesy gore effects, and a routine story, and I say avoid it. The Direction is pretty bad. Joy N. Houck Jr. does a pretty bad job here with so,so camera work, and keeping the film at a dull pace. The Acting isn't much better. Gerald McRaney is amusing as Wesley, and is OTT, he was fun to watch, and was quite likable, he did good. Gaye Yellen is not very good as the love interest, she wasn't convincing, and overacted at times, especially near the ending. Herbert Nelson is not very good as the Doc, he just says his lines, and stands around with a strange look on his face, as I didn't buy his performance. Evelyn Hendricks is decent as the mother, and went totally OTT at the end. Rest of the cast are terrible. Overall avoid!. * out of 5
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