Clifford (1994)
Worst thing ever
26 March 2006
This movie, which I cannot even bring myself to name, is the single greatest crime against humanity, that has ever been committed. I saw this movie in the theaters, and to this day I still wake up in cold sweats from the nightmare of that night. Make no mistake about it, this is the WORST thing ever put on film. Martin short is sooo annoying you want to see his character destroyed in the most painful way possible, and the rest of the characters are beyond one dimensional. There are no laughs to be found in this movie, it is an insult to all your senses, and you die a little inside from watching it. The fact that some people actually like this abomination of a movie, only tells me that they must have grown up under power lines, or that they like to hurt them selves. This movie must be avoided at all costs, it is the single worst event in my life, please run away if you see it any where, anyone defending this movie, must be brought in for psychological treatment, there is no defending this garbage.
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