short, repetitive, and too little Kong levels
27 March 2006
I really can't believe all the positive reviews for the game on here. In my mind, it's a text book example on how NOT to do a movie based on a film. Numerous problems abound, such as the game being too short, too easy, too repetitive, and not being able to play as Kong, save for a level or three scattered throughout the game. The game is OK in some levels, but is mostly a bore. For an example on how to do a movie-based game justice, one needn't look any further then the superb "The Warriors" game. (I would include the enjoyable "Punisher" game, but that's more based on the comic than the film). My suggestion is to either play that game instead, or if you have a 360 just rent this for an easy 1,000 achievement points and be done with it forever. On a tangent somewhat, I would LOVE to see a "Dead Alive" based game, but it will never happen.

My Grade: D
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