Spider-Man (2003)
Computer Generated Garbage
31 March 2006
I was excited over the prospect of a new Spidey 'toon, having a poor follow-up in Spidey Unlimited after the successful 90s series. From the start, I wasn't a fan of cell-shading as I think it only cheapens what computers can really do. However, it was more than the animation that made this series a piece of crap.

Continuity was more of a joke than it currently is in the comics! In one episode, we have Electro who gets fried at the end, only to have him appear in the next episode perfectly human with no acknowledgment by Spidey at all! The writing definitely sealed it as an MTV show as the scripts just weren't all that good. Some of the casting choices were also questionable. Michael Dorn as Kraven? Really? (Although I did enjoy Michael Clarke Duncan as Kingpin, even if they confused his massive muscle mass with massive overeating). Outside of one or two, the villains were lame and some were just carbon copies of pre-established ones. And, on a personal note, New York did NOT look like New York. Not a major negative I hold against a show, but it could've helped it a bit.

This was an attempt to continue on in the sense of the movie continuity, and they failed miserably. It became just a pale imitation of the Ultimate comic series. I heard it was going to be brought back for a second season on a different network, and I hope if it is they seriously improve this trash. Otherwise, I hope I never have to see it again. You want a real Spider-Man cartoon? Go watch the 90s one. Hell, even the 80s one is better than this. MTV GARBAGE.
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