Great concept, but shaky execution...
18 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
"They Came Back" has some really neat things going on- the concept being presented is really interesting, and definitely worth watching. What happens when the dead come back? What happens when the dead come back, but they're not bloodthirsty monsters, but, rather, seem to be *fairly* close to "normal?" They can talk, and remember some of who they used to be. It's an interesting idea, and the movie starts off well enough, looking at how a town copes with the return of all of these people. The problem is that it never really gets going. There are scenes that seem designed to make you think that these beings *could* turn into the standard brain-eaters... but to what purpose? In the end, there are too many questions left unanswered for this to be really satisfying. I don't need everything spelled out on a billboard for me, but I expect the director to at least see the story through. I need something to work with- an explanation for what made them come back, or what their goals were, or where they were going. Shoot, I'd have settled for an explanation for why the explosions or for why the zombies felt drawn to a particular place. Still, it's worth watching for a different take on the "return from the dead" idea, and even if it's not ultimately satisfying, there's obviously a great concept there.
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