A perfectly reasonable stupid movie....
20 April 2006
Entertaining feel-good faire about a landscaper (Rob Schneider) and his two nerd best friends (Jon Heder and David Spade) who take on the bullies of their state in a winner-take-all baseball tournament. The hook is that all the bullies are 12 years old or under. You pretty much get what you expect: stereotypical good guys vs bad guys , fart jokes, large breasted women WAY too hot to be interested in the likes of the downtrodden three, a good 80's-90's Adam Sandler-esquire soundtrack and numerous sight gags that make you squirm in your seat. What was unusual was the movie was actually pretty good. All the actors played their parts reasonably well and Heder was hilarious. (Although I half expected that there was some sort of product placement for a tanning system in this movie as everyone but Heder appeared to be way too healthy looking.) Definitely worth the price of a ticket.
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