The Choirboys (1977)
27 April 2006

Atrocious! THE CHOIRBOYS features a lot of violence that just TOO violent and a lot of really unfunny stuff that does nothing to offset it. Director Robert Aldrich really missteps with this garbage. It's a rambling, offensive, woman hating, gay hating, people hating movie. The cast, largely made up of character actors who've done great work in the past, is truly wasted. Charles Durning is OK as "Sperm Whale," but the rest of the actors, particularly Tim McIntire and Perry King, are extremely annoying; mugging it up, trying to be cool-funny. King has a particularly regrettable scene with sexy dominatrix Phyllis Davis and then kills himself! You know something is off when the only real sane person around is played by James Woods! With Randy Quaid, Robert Webber and Charles Haid.

It's all a senseless waste of a lot of talent.
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