It's Geolicious! (possible spoilers?)
3 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
it's punk. it's perquacky. its trophy wives. it's sweet nothings and suite 920. it's a million to one. it's deer heads and twelve tissues. it's a good golf swing and a bad attitude. it's greener grass and the gateway drug. it's a bad heart and a big heart. it's 25%toby and 100% balls. it's doublewide. it's the hagan name. it's riffs and it's raff. it's therapy. it's "Mom?" and it's dad. it's a wedding and a divorce. it's a marriage and a family. it's casual sex and romance. it's breaking and entering. it's about money. it's about dreams. it's about removing the foot from your mouth and getting it in the door. it's a night you'll never forget. it's black hair. it's white pants. it's "F*** EVERYTHING!"
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