My search for this AWESOME movie and why I cannot help but laugh at it sometimes
22 May 2006
As with a few other commenters, I too first saw this movie in my early teens. When I was about ten or eleven, I had only seen the movie once, but I never forgot it. It is one of those few stories that stick with you. For some reason, I had started to think about the movie again when I in college (3 years ago) but I could not remember the actors or the name of the movie. So here I am, looking up "prison camp, love, movie, catholic school girl" on the internet. you can image that did not turn out well.

Finally I caught a break. I thought the guy in the movie looked a lot like craig scheffer so I looked him. Guess what, it WAS him. So I immediately went searching to purchase Fire with Fire. Got the movie on DVD (looks like it was just copied from VHS).

Great story and 80s movie.

I LOVE THE MOVIE, but I can not help but make fun of it. If you love this movie and would hate to read anything cynical about it, DO NOT READ ON.

Firstly, Joe has unibrow. I can not look away even though I am in love with him. I swear Lisa's eyes snap to it a few times. Secondly, during the seen in the crypt, I feared that lisa's hair would catch fire. Thirdly, after the dance, Lisa is waving good bye and is symbolizing the hand-holding move, she looks like she is thinking "look, I have five fingers." DUDE MAPMAKER does NOT have a name!!!! Not even in the credits.

Don't get me wrong, I believe in love and romance. I just can not help but make fun of it sometimes. Maybe because I am still waiting on the man of my dreams.

I do believe there is a romantic in everyone and you should fight to keep that romance alive.
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