Soft porn moment edited out
27 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Wondering why the scene on the Alpha DVD where Ann (the servant girl) and Fallon were making out for a brief moment looks like it has been cut? It was cut on the TV station copy the DVD was made from because Ann bared her breasts for Fallon (and the viewers) when she came into his room. The first time I saw this movie was in the early 70's on the local UHF station in Baltimore. It must have been the first time they had shown it (and must not had previewed it, thinking it was just a low-budget horror flick), because nothing from the scene was edited out. On the DVD, you see her at the door with her top undone and cleavage showing, and then it cuts to the two of them making out before Fallon pulls away. In the uncut version that I saw, she walks in and opens her top even more to expose her breasts as she offers herself to him. I was in my early teens in the days before cable and the internet, so you could imagine about how I could not believe how I had lucked out and seen this! I told my friends about it soon after, and they thought I was making it up. Next time the movie came on I tipped them off that it was going to be shown again, but the TV station had gotten wise to it and edited out the bare breasts. Needless, to say we were a disappointed bunch, but at least my friends saw that something had been cut out. Anybody else get to see the unedited scene back when the movie first started being shown on TV? This might just start a hunt to see if there's still an uncut copy still in existence...
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