Shot Through the Heart (1998 TV Movie)
A powerful gritty story of a horrific conflict
1 June 2006
'Shot through the heart' turned up on HBO while I was bored killing time in a hotel. The title initially put me off - I nearly went to the gym instead. But when I realized from the initial Cranberries track that it wasn't going to be the usual made for HBO slushy American trash, I started watching. A powerful movie, not the usual war film, it explored the added horrors of a civil war with friends pitted against friends. The scene where the main character, a Moslem realiszes that it is former best friend and Olympic shooting hopeful, a Serb who is the sniper accounting for a lot of the civilian deaths in his neighborhood brings this home. I like a previous reviewer was involved in the conflict in the former Yugoslavia and the gritty low-budget 'almost documentary' style gives this film an edge over other war films which usually fail to achieve such authenticity.
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