Ever hear of poetic license?
6 June 2006
This movie is called "Murder in the First", not the Life of Henry Young. If you want the facts about Henry Young don't look to Hollywood for answers. It's like saying the movie "Birdman of Alcatraz" contained inaccuracies. Movies like this are not about facts, but about life, and in that sense Murder in the First scores more like 8 out of 10. Also I would not trust any comments from the point of view of the establishment from that time period. The Illuminati were just as rotten to the core then as they are now, but the illusion of authority was better preserved when the ruling elite had something in common with us regular folks. To my taste the movie was slow and in need of more aggressive editing have, it even contained a bizarre and useless sex scene that provided zero value add. However it is still a powerful movie and Alcatraz was a horrible prison without a doubt. It's ironic that Americans today turn a blind eye to official rendition and federally sponsored torture with a murderous executive branch run amok, where the inmates have truly seized the asylum. One thing to take away from this movie: at least in 1941 someone like Stamphill could have convinced the public at large that powers-that-be were seriously on the wrong track. Like it or not, we need a Stamphill today, whether he's a real lawyer or just a figment of some Hollywood writer's imagination.
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