Screen One: Pat and Margaret (1994)
Season 6, Episode 3
A little dark for Vic
7 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Unlike some of the other people who have commented I don't find this side-splitingly funny. That's not to put it down, and it is very funny in parts, but Victoria Wood fans all know that Vic can pack in more JPH (jokes per hour) than most comedy writers put in a 13 part series. But to me this has a dark and poignant side that I've not seen in her other stuff.

Of particular note is Thora Hirds' character, with her subtle manipulation and very cruel treatment of her son, (played by Duncan Preston) I found this quite chilling. As always with Victoria the dialogue is spot on but the kind of abuse that this 'its for your own good' mother is indulging in is written so well, and played so well by Thora Hird it leaves a lasting mark.

In some respects this is the best thing Victoria Wood has ever done, she is just so talented in so may different ways: she can parody almost anything and that's wonderful but wait she does drama as well. Lets have more like this please.
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