Dropkicking zone...
14 June 2006
This time Eric Roberts and Phillip Rhee return to avenge the death of their former teammate and friend, Travis(Played by the late Chris Penn) seems Travis enjoyed fighting the late night circuits of to the death matches and Travis met his match in the form of Brackus(Rolf Muller, Arnold Schwarzenegger look-a-like) however all bets are off (As is credibility) when Roberts and Rhee scar Brackus' perfection and let him know the son saw everything, naturally this marks them for death. The original was a dopey martial arts time killer that found an audience among those who really like the genre, the sequel though will probably disappoint even them. The movie has too many stupid elements such as Roberts telling the bad guys "My son saw you do it!" which is stupid when you think about it. Also the gladiator arena takes place supposedly underground in a hot disco club. Also one more dash of credibility is that Penn would actually bring a kid to a match where he could get killed. Ridiculous sequel is a lot like Rocky IV in how stupid and terrible it is. Some of it is funny but a lot more of it is boring. Although I must admit Wayne Newton as a fight promoter is ridiculous enough to almost skyrocket this one into camp classic badness.

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