Misleading title, but intriguing film
19 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly, a comment on the film's title. Considering that the premise of the film is that alien invaders have anaesthetised virtually the entire population of the planet a more fitting title would have been 'The Earth Dies Sleeping'. However, don't let that put you off watching it.

What the film lacks in budget, effects, plot, and acting (Thorley Walters), it makes up for with moody photography, dramatic sound, acting (Dennis Price), and (except for the final act) a genuinely eerie atmosphere.

And it's thanks to that eerie atmosphere that this film rises above mediocre. SPOILER>>>> One stand out moment occurs about half way through when a woman hides in a wardrobe in order to evade a re-animated corpse that is being controlled by the robots. The tension builds.. and builds.. AND BUILDS.... AAAAND BUILLLLDS!!!!. This scene in particular is a gem.

Dennis Price SPOILER>>>> doing his usual creepy/evil bit, as a thief that was locked in a vault when the world was gassed and then trying to steal the hero's new girlfriend for no real reason (except lust possibly), just about tops the acting talent in the film.

Considering that the plot is so thin it's strange that there is still room for a few plot holes. Such as SPOILER>>>> why does Dennis Price wait for Willard Parker to wake up to knock him unconscious. He could have done while he slept.

Budgetary constraints unfortunately come in to full effect with the final act. SPOILER>>>> The destruction of the radio antenna is laughable.

Despite all these negatives "The Earth Dies Screaming" is still a worthy film, and I'm sure it will be appreciated by fans of similar and better fare.

In film terms it doesn't quite reach the giddy heights of greats like The Trollenberg Terror (U.S The Crawling Eye), the Brian Donlevy Quatermass films, or X-The Unknown. Although I would say that it is comparable to the Edward Judd starer Invasion.

In TV terms the film has more parallels with the likes of a few 60's & early 70's Dr Who episodes, some early Diana Rigg Avengers episodes, and artier drama, like the original A for Andromeda, but without the plot depth.

RATING 6 out of 10. roysix-1
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