Superman Returns
29 June 2006
The Superman addicts who have seen every other movie, and know everything about Superman will take more away from this movie then those who don't.

First of all, the movie was two and a half hours or so.....In my eyes, the movie was really boring for the first hour....I was thinking of walking out, but since I didn't pay to get in, I said what ever, I'll stay and watch. Eventually the movie picked up and when there were action parts it was a very good movie, but when there wasn't, it was really boring.

The plot was a little weird.....I'm assuming the movie was supposed to revolve around Lex Luther trying to build islands out of crystals, but they only followed that for about thirty minutes of the movie. The rest of it was just Superman wandering around saving random people or it was boring character development.

The acting was....rusty. They chose a good actor to play the roll of Superman, but there was really no emotion put into the movie by any of the actors. There were no emotional parts so there was no need to have to be a good actor. At times, when people are talking, you can't understand what they're saying which gets annoying after a while.

The special effects were alright. The opening, where they do like 10 minutes of wandering through space of special effects were not the greatest I have seen. At times the special effects looked awkward....But other times they were quite well done.

Overall, this was an alright movie but it definitely did not live up to the expectations I was expecting for this movie. I doubt I will see it again, because I do not want to sit through the first hour.
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