It's a mad mad mad Movies show, with the L.A Connection!!
13 July 2006
This program, okay first off I stumbled onto this one, thinking it was merely a 'joke' and not an actual show.

To my surprise, it was a whole episode, I remember, it was 1985 and I was visiting my sister and then next day she went to run some errands and as she left, she left the television on for me and I saw this old black and white show,that looked as if President Lincoln was speaking to an outdoor crowd at like a picnic, but the dialog was enhanced with someone else's voices and the stuff they were saying was not only right-on target, it was funny, I thought, whoever this is behind the scenes is about perfect in the lines and delivery, timing and execution of everything. This was better than Mystery Science Theatre 3000 and truly a wonderfully- 'everyone' viewable type show.

I saw a couple episodes and looked to find it again, seemingly with no luck at all! I looked at different channels and times and just couldn't find it anymore. I thought, What the?! Why would the network remove this fantastic show from it's line-up??? They should promote it, not take it off the air. I had nothing but contempt for that net work after that. I hope they fired those 'Execs' who made that decision. Too much Cocaine at the networks back then I guess. Maybe not enough, I don't pretend to know. Anyway, I have not even seen anything in that arena of a show, that is even close to the wit, wisdom and comedic brilliance that 'Big-bad' Bob Buchholz, and 'the sharpie' Connie Sue Cook, "Wild man" Steve Pinto, Stephen 'The Roller' Rollman, Paul 'The dude' Rugg and Kent 'The spoonerism' Skov had with this, beside being the voice talent, they were also the writers and part-production team as well. That is a lot of comedic-brains and business-brawn if you will. (I believe I will, someday) That's whats so disgusting. Sometimes the ones with the sidesplitting talent end up getting the shaft when there are so many others that seemingly don't have that Caliber of talent who are always around...I don't understand it.

This was a 'diamond' of a comedy show, lets face facts, it sucks that it is gone!!!!! I cannot find any of them anywhere currently thats whats curious to me. The only one I can find are Paul Rugg and Bob Buchholz and they are doing video-game related voice work, in Japan. Well Paul worked on stuff like the 'Animaniacs' too.

But at least I was able to enjoy it (The L.A. Connection's Mad Movies) for a while in the nineteen-eighties.
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