I gave this movie a 10 for thought.
16 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed "Who Killed The Electric Car". I was a bit skeptical when I went in to see it because my belief is that it is hard to beat the gasoline economy in this era of oil. It is cheap (relatively) transportable, easy to design and use, and well understood.

When I saw what the political madhouse was behind how business and government works and how people's votes are more concerned with what their next job is going to be or how much money they are being paid than what is best for the country ... this was the meaning of this movie for me.

What many people have claimed was a ignorant and groundless and even dangerous move that California took politically in raising the mileage standards in our state, and lowering emission standards turned out to be a brilliant leadership move in the nation.

Too bad that as soon as something like that happens the war begins by the people who want to maintain the status quo. Capitalism that our country is based on does not quite work how we explain and point to and cheer about.

One of the things this movie points out is the split that GM made with the Electric car right as it started producing the Hummer, and got the government to subsidize these dinosaurs.

One the one hand we are fighting a war to stabilize our oil supply and if you add that into the price of oil gasoline cars suddenly do not seem so inexpensive, especially in terms of today's reality.

This movie shows the vertex of many problems and opportunities we have in America to fix problems and take a leadership role in the future ... and we are not so great at doing that.

There were so many dedicated electric car users, loyal and who wanted to pay for their cars when GM said there was no demand ... and GM just ground the cars up into metal flake for spite. And as GM is strutting about beating down CARB and California, it is losing money man market share to the Toyota Prius ... even as the government gives a $4000 tax break to Prius owners and a $100,000 tax break to Hummer owners.

Whether electric cars are a panacea for everything wrong with the country or not is not the question, the question is that big corporations are making bad decisions for questionable motives that hurt everyone except their stockholders, and ultimately even them, because our politically corrupt way of doing things in this country is dragging us down.

The one criticism I have of this movie is that it is biased, of course. I would have liked to have heard the real story from the owners who did not like the electric car and more from GM about what their real criteria for some of their decisions were.

With new updated batteries a GM EV1 could be getting about a 300 mile range and a "stated" equivalent gas economy of $0.60 cents per gallon. I would like to know how they arrived at that number seriously.

America and the western world must be aware of what has been the downfall of other cultures and take special care to avoid them. It seems to me that one of the downfalls of Moslems was that they developed a arrogance, and after their brilliant invention of zero and algebra went backwards into the sickening mess they are in today .. the pattern I see is American industry doing the same thing and American government enabling it in a sickening dance of codependent pathology.

See this movie, it is an important one.
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