Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Bad Eggs (1998)
Season 2, Episode 12
One of the weakest episodes of the season
27 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is trying to say something about parenting, but I'm honestly not sure what. We have Joyce complaining about the burden of being a single mom. Buffy and the Scoobies trying to deal with egg-babies for their sex-ed class. Angel lamenting the fact that he'll never have children. (And, after watching Conner over on "Angel," I sort of wish that had remained true.) We have a one-eyed, tentacled mother creature turning Sunnydale High students into sleep deprived zombies. It's all about having of kids. However, "Bad Eggs" doesn't really give us a clear message. I think that it's trying to warn against having children too early. But then why have Angel being all sad because he can't have kids? And why introduce the cowboy vampires, at all? It doesn't make a lot of sense. All in all, "Bad Eggs" is not one of the better episodes of the season. If you're watching the show on DVD, you could ship ahead and not miss much.

The episode revolves around the Scoobies having to care for eggs as part of their sex-ed class. (You remember, that stupid assignment where you have to pretend the egg is a baby and you take care of it for a week? I think it's a rite of passage.) Anyway, Buffy ends up a single mother to her egg and is worried about turning into her mom. Xander tosses his egg around like a baseball. Cordy carries hers in her teddy bear shaped backpack. And Willow begins acting odd. Of course, being Sunnydale, the eggs aren't exactly from a regular chicken. They hatch into spider-y things that turn people into mindless zombies to serve this giant underground octopus creature in the school basement. Xander and Cordy, meanwhile, continue to have difficulty adjusting to their relationship. And Angel and Buffy are growing more passionate in their's. Also, two cowboy vampires arrive in town and start causing problems.

"Bad Eggs" has some good points. I do like the cowboy vampires, Tector and Lyle. They're funny and it's interesting to see vampire siblings. They even know Angel. Plus, they'll be mentioned again in season three. I just wish that they'd had more to do in this episode. I also like the scene where Xander and Cordelia try to one-up each other in class with dire consequences of dating. Most of the time, they embarrass and annoy each other, but they also have something between them. And you just have to laugh when Jonathan gets taken over by the spider-y thing. He screams hysterically, thrashing around, yelling for help and then he's suddenly super calm and off to dig in the basement. Very funny.

On the downside, the episode really doesn't accomplish much. It seems like it's just spinning it's wheels in places. It's slow and it doesn't contribute to the larger story arc. We have a nice scene of Buffy and Angel discussing children and how he can't have any, but it doesn't go deep enough. The fact that he's vampire (whether or not he has a soul)and she's not is at the heart of their relationship. Buffy's a human. She'll change, grow older, and have kids. Angel can't. He'll always be the same. It's a problem that BTVS doesn't really confront head-on until "Choices" in season three. "Bad Eggs" starts to address the issue, but it backs off too quickly. It ends with Buffy and Angel closer than ever and, apparently, willfully ignoring the problems they will face. Also, I don't understand the monster. I'm not clear where it came from, what it wants, or why it's at Sunnydale High. Or maybe I just don't care.

My favorite part of the episode: Xander hard boiling and attempting to eat his young.
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