Fan of 50s sci-fi? This movie is FUN!!!
31 July 2006
OK, I know I'm in the minority here, but I have to say I love this movie.

Most people may think the acting is corny and special effects are lousy, but there is a certain kind of charm this movie has that stays with you. It's the kind of movie, if you saw it as a kid, you would never forget it.

I even think the Gila Monster is kind of cool .. Hey, he's cooler than some of those stupid Japanese monster movies (ever seen those Gamera flicks?)

The characters all have personality and charm (even the drunk is great!). The eerie music is great (it defines 1950s sci-fi), the hot-rods are cool and the low-lit scenes are great too. It just adds to the charm of the movie.

It's hard to describe, but the movie is like one of those scratchy old record albums you've loved since you bought it as a kid.

I surfed the internet after seeing the movie and found a site dedicated to the movie and its fans (the guest book is loaded with praise from the many fans who signed it).

In short, this movie is FUN, bad acting and all ... it's just a good time. Enjoy it!
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