Queer Eye (2003–2007)
No Other Reality Show Has Deserved To Be Canceled More
2 August 2006
As a member of the "Conservative" and "Religious Right" I don't have any issues with Homosexuals, and I'll put it out there that I believe committed couples (some who have been in relationships longer then most straight people) should have the right to have Civil Unions or Gay Marriage (what ever you want to call it in your neighborhood.) Many (if not most) homosexual men and women are productive members of our society and contribute a great deal. They need and deserve to just be left alone and allowed to live their lives as they choose and reap the rewards or suffer the consequence of their choices.

I'm not a gay basher, I'm not "secretly gay and in denial," nor am I a "hater." Nor am I easily offended or put off by people with lifestyles that are different from my own.

With that said, there are too many aspects of "Queer Eye For The Straight Guy" that are simply ridiculous. It's genuinely painful, harsh, embarrassing when it's not unintentionally funny by perpetuating stereotypes.

The most absurd aspect of the show is Carson Kressley (Spell check wants to replace that name with "Crassly" – how appropriate…) trying to tell men how to dress. He understands what's "hip and trendy" and knows the basics of clothing construction, but Kressley telling men how to dress better is like asking a plumber how to fixed your clogged arteries and broken heart valve – It doesn't fly.

The premise of the show is to try and turn sloppy straight guys into trendy stylish guys, period. Sadly, that never seems to happen when Carson does his best to turn these unsuspecting heterosexuals into "homo-looking heterosexuals" while trashing their own original style. Kressley is simply incapable (or blatantly unwilling) to dress sloppy straight men to look better or fashionable with out making the men look foolish or effeminate (or both.) He also performs his duties on the show with an air of indigence and arrogance that's a bit hard to tolerate.

Since the show's been canceled – Bravo should have the guts to do a roll reversal: Five Straight guys do a makeover to make him a little less "queer." It won't happen because turn-about isn't fair play in some circles.
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