Review of Pulse

Pulse (I) (2006)
20 August 2006
Finally an actual horror movie that isn't all blood and guts. The first this year maybe? But anyways I didn't know what to expect from this movie after seeing the previews but I was quite surprised because it delivered.

The plot is.....unique. Someone let out a virus where the dead will come out of anything that has any sort of communication waves. Phones, Computers, etc. So many of the people get taken over by this virus until one of the main characters boyfriend who committed suicide's computer was found and inside of the casing was a hidden anti-virus on a separate disc so it would be off the network away from the dead. So they need to upload the anti-virus on the main computer network that started it all. Confusing in words but it will make sense in person.

The acting was good. Everyone displayed emotion well and was very enthused about the movie. Also the director did a good job keeping everything on track and keeping any loose ends out of the movie. The fact that it all had a very good flow made this movie a pleasure to watch and made it actually creepy.

Now like I said this is one of the only horror films of the year not consisting of all blood and guts. And I thank them for making this movie. And guess what, it actually was kinda scary. Even though one part of the movie was really stupid but oh well we'll just ignore that. The movie was overall creepy and made me walk out of the theater thinking 'Whoa', and a movie that does that to me is a well made movie.

The way it was shot was interesting too. The way the dead sort of cut out and came back like an actual computer was wicked. Even sometimes the whole screen had little cut out waves on it so it feels like your vision is actually happening exactly like you're in the movie. Which impressed me and I really enjoyed that factor.

Overall I loved this movie. Everything about it, if I want to see a scary movie I'll see this movie, and you should go see it as well, for you won't waste your money on it....Unless you some how don't like it.
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