Seattle cult favorite
22 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a retelling of the myth of Orpheus and Euridyce. A model happy couple who love each other dearly. She dies tragically (and too soon), and Orpheus embarks an a dangerous quest to hell to win her back. Things don't turn out well for him, in the tradition of the classic myth. Reason this is a cult classic for me: It was made in Seattle. It features the famous Stephen Jesse Bernstein, the Metaphonics, lots of skateboarding in parking garages, as well as Goths ruling in hell, and post apocalyptic train car ghetto's. I saw it when it premier'd at the Neptune in Seattle long ago. It is very very bad but i still loved it. I wish i could find a copy. What I loved most about the movie was the Metaphonics, but I don't know whatever happened to them either. MAybe they are still banging on metal in some junkyard somewhere.
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