Review of Part I

Little Women: Part I (1978)
Season 1, Episode 1
Vote for DVD
3 September 2006
I too haven't seen this Movie (mini-series) since it was first on TV. What I remember most about it was how surprised I was to see who was chosen to play each character. Meg was the only exception. The actors did a wonderful job of bringing people I know so well to life. As a kid I read Little Women so many times I lost count. It's like comfort food to me. When I'm discouraged I pull out my old friends.

I can't remember the specific scene in the show of Beth and Jo at the seashore. But in the book Jo does take Beth to the seashore in hopes of improving her health. There Beth tells Jo she knows she is going to die soon. When they get home their parents see it too.

My husband is so sweet. He payed attention to the fact that Little Women was my favorite book as a kid. He has bought me both the British version that I've seen reviewed and the Wynona Rider version. (I all ready had the June Allison and Katherine Hepburn VHS's.) The first chance he could he took me to see the Rynona Wilder movie when it opened at the theater.

Where to we go to put our votes in to see this series put on DVD?
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