Veronica Mars: Not Pictured (2006)
Season 2, Episode 22
Veronica Mars is the best show in the world!
30 August 2006
I love Veronica Mars so much! It is the most addicting show ever! The last episode of the 2nd season made me so happy! Veronica and Logan are meant to be together! and now they are! I think i would rather just watch Veronica Mars all day then do any thing else! Duncan keeps getting in the way. And its so annoying! Duncan's a weird-o. But any ways. I'm so obsessed with veronica mars i try every web. site to see whats going to happen next! My advice to you. If you like shows that have a great mystery, a good love story, and is very addicting watch veronica mars. its so GOOD! i always buy the DVD so my family and i watch 3-5 episodes a night! But I'm so addicted I'm just gonna watch the 3rd season on TV! Watch Veronica Mars if you don't already!
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