5 September 2006
Having traveled to Thailand with a side trip to Cambodia a few years ago, I found this documentary an excellent supplement to my own memories to Siem Reap and Angkor Wat. I did enough reading in the travel guides to get a sense of history within the area, yet the documentary brought it all together in a better perspective in a non-political manner. It was about history, culture, and architecture of Southeast Asia that appropriately fits the goals of the WORLD MONUMENTS FUNDS projects. I did not realize at that time that these restorative projects around Siem Reap were not that old -- often less than a decade. So, in some sense, I am a part of current history and its documentation with my own camera.

I back peddled recent history (i.e. not boxed by my life at sixty-four and but expanding the time span a bit earlier) of Cambodia, Vietnam, and Laos and find the meddling of Europeans and United States as not something to be too proud about. I remember seeing signs at different restorative sites with FUNDED BY....France....Germany....etc. What was missing was the United States of America.

But, that is another story and another movie. And another history that will repeat and repeat itself.
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