There's No Business Like Snow Business
24 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
As far as sequels go - which, on average is not very far at all - this isn't bad. The fantastic success of Les Bronzes was reason enough to get Splendid together to write and perform in a sequel and turn Patrice Leconte loose to 'direct' them. Like the first one it's essentially a series of sketches rather than a conventional Beginning, Middle, End kind of plot but let's face it, the people performing the sketches are some of the best in the business and as other posters have remarked virtually all of them went on to enjoy long careers - Michel Blanc for example is starring in a great new film Je Vais trouve tres beau even as I write and Josie Balasko wrote and starred in a play that finished its run earlier this year - not least Leconte who now has a string of successes to his name. Like its predecessor it's punchlines have entered the language which speaks for itself. It is, however, tarnished with a dirty word "Entertainment" pseuds beware.
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