The Dead Zone: The Hunting Party (2006)
Season 5, Episode 11
Don't go to the wrap party just yet
28 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I think that this season contained the least amount of major newsworthy items to take away from for the year. It took a whole season for Malcom Janus to have a second conversation with Johnny Smith? Get real. As I said regarding season 4, this finale should have really been episode number 3 of this season with the other one featuring Stillson being number 2. Well, you could have also thrown in Heart of Darkness before this one, but still, a four episode season is kind of ridiculous.

About this show itself, it was pretty good, not as super amazing as the DZs in the days of yore but enjoyable nonetheless. As I've said before, Janus amuses me very much and Stillson comes off as an almost likable pawn who actually thinks he has some good intentions left in that tarnished heart of his. So, the context is great, but the drawn out process of getting to where they want to go is getting less climactic as they continue with the introduction of so many different new elements in each episode.

I like how they didn't do a "Previously on The Dead Zone" spot before the opening. I never liked those. Make the viewer who is tuning in for the first time go back to the former episodes and catch up if he wants to be a part of this show. Just begin the show and let me enjoy each past reference like a reward. They have been doing that more as of late. Hope the trend continues.

By the way, as I figured, their "There's still time" reference went so far as to become "too late," as Johnny said in this episode. I think that was quietly done on purpose. Cool! Interesting Vice President jabs, too, with some shades of the news item about Dick Cheney's hunting trip gone awry. Not sure if it was season finale worthy, but it made the cut. Sara Bannerman, however, wasn't so fortunate. So, all in all she barely got more total face time than someone who was on only one episode. Oh well, she's preggo now so there should be some cool stuff to talk about next season.

Speaking of next season, it's not going to be here for another year! I probably won't be used to waiting so long, as I have just been reviewing this show for the past thee months watching season 3, 4, and 5 all at once. As much as I criticize this program, it is still my favorite and I'll probably have some DZ withdrawal symptoms until next summer. It is a faint but dear hope that the writers and creators of this show take into consideration the things I have been writing/venting about. I know that they have more fan interaction than any other show from seeing their web site and DVDs and the like. It is practically an open set for all of us to look in on after enjoying each show, so it may be possible that they will stumble on my reviews. I hope I wasn't too harsh. Everything I kvetch about are things that I truly believe will make this incredible show even more unstoppable as one of the greatest shows in TV history, and if I get carried away because of that, it's just because I care and I hope that this is realized.

For my part, I realize how tirelessly hard and well the talent works to put on a masterpiece every time, and by talent I don't just mean the actors. We must never forget the drudgingly tough work of the directors, the writers, the production designers and costumes; the visual, photography and lighting guys; the audio, sound and music guys; the craft service guys, the PAs and drivers and editors and effects masters. The grip, the boom, the casting, the locations, the props, the stuntmen, the stand-ins, and even the extras. And then, of course, there's the people at Lionsgate and USA for keeping the vision alive.

I look forward to season 6, for the show that didn't even know if it was going to season 2, and hope for many more to come!
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