A light hearted romance with serious undertones
17 October 2006
The flirtation starts off innocently enough.Using the split screen is a brilliant device for flashbacks.

Of course, the flirtation turns out to be the rekindling of an earlier romance, which is what this movie is all about. These people knew each other in an earlier life, having had a childhood fling.

Juxtaposing one's early life against the conservative patterns that we all seem to be heir to, is at the heart of the movie.

No doubt all of us sometime try to imagine what life would have been if one's first love had been pursued.

This movie answers that question - you can't go home again. There was a good reason why the first one did not last, but one has to relive it to understand it.

That is the theme of this movie.Well done. Good acting. A beautiful actress, and a handsome lead man.
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