Just because your head works different doesn't mean you're crazy
11 October 2006
My personal test to know whether I really-really like a film is to find myself halfway through it thinking "wow, this film is great!". Not something that happens to me that often, mind you. Tonight, as I was watching this film, I found myself thinking several times, this is just great!! Great acting, beautiful script, good visuals, at last a film that provides the whole experience. The only other film that matched my expectations this year was Gondry's the Science of Sleep, and if you happen to watch both films you will find some unexpected connections, namely, a strong, vivid and unusual main character, an affectionate look at the "otherness", and a director in a state of grace who has managed to portray visually the point of view of someone who doesn't experience life, reality, you-name-it in the same way than the rest of us. AND it's an oddball love story. What more can you ask?
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