The Prestige (2006)
Only good if you don't figure out what is going on
21 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
If you are Perry Mason when you watch this type of movie (like I am), then you will end up figuring out the first half in the first quarter, and the last half in the third quarter. Which means you sit around for half the movie twiddling your thumbs as the deception goes through its motions.

The movie goes from almost-plausible drama in the first half (she came out of the water dead with the killer knot still tied), to homicidal science fiction in the second half (I liked the kill-clone-self paradox better the first time I saw it in The 6th Day). I also liked the oddball scene editing better when it was in Memento.

Good movie if the wool gets pulled over your eyes, boring if not. Good if you don't mind totally implausible plot devices (two magicians, one with a twin brother and the other with a random man in town who looks exactly like him), bad if not. Good if you don't mind Back To The Future-style scifi, startlingly lame if not.
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