Like Buddhism, this film is best seen with a clear mind and no particular expectations
24 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is a lovingly made and filmed movie. It's so artistically made and beautiful to look at that this alone is reason to see the film. However, the plot is something many Western viewers probably won't be too thrilled with unless they have a very, very open mind and are willing to see a film with an unusual structure and many odd allegorical elements--sort of like Buddhism, actually. The film consists of many wonderful and amusing moments, but also has many intense and even horrifying moments, so be prepared for an "emotional roller coaster".

The film is about several seasons that are spread out over many years. The film begins with a little boy who is the apprentice to a monk who lives on a shrine built in the middle of a lake (Spring). It then moves to the boy's early adulthood (Summer), then after the boy has left and committed a horrible crime (Fall), followed by the boy's return to the shrine many years later after his master has committed suicide (Winter) and is then followed by a woman bringing a new apprentice to the shrine (Spring once again). The film is very well made and interesting, but ultimately it may leave you a bit confused and even irritated that, in many ways, the film is as much about redemption and rebirth as it is about death and nothingness. The film is definitely one that will strongly appeal to some and turn others off due to its sad and confusing tone. An odd and strangely beautiful film chock full of religious imagery and oddness. It's definitely worth a look, given that the viewer appreciates international films and is open to non-traditional story-telling.

FYI--The DVD said it was rated R for 'strong sexuality', and while there is indeed some nudity, it isn't all that intense (you see a guy's butt while he is making love--nothing else is shown). In fact, possibly more disturbing to kids and teens (and some adults) are some of the very adult themes--such as ritual suicide by fire and murder. While I wouldn't show this to kids, this MIGHT be appropriate for older teens--use your judgment and see it first before showing it to them.
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