An Old Film With a Fun Streak
1 November 2006
Five men are trapped in a basement, so to pass the time they each tell stories about visions they had of their own death. Directed by Roy Ward Baker for Amicus.

The first man (Daniel Massey) tells a story about a town of vampires, which was mildly entertaining and there was a good special effect with the mirrors. The vampires had some really goofy looking teeth, but this story was okay to start the film off.

The second tale was the best in my opinion, about an anal retentive guy (Terry-Thomas) who must have everything a certain way -- he even labels and counts his groceries and where they should be placed.

Next we have a magician (Curd Jürgens) in India, looking to buy some Indian magic. He finds a girl with a rope trick and tries to get it from her, but she will not sell.

The strangest story is the fourth, with a man (Michael Craig) buried alive... in one of the most unbelievable insurance scam attempts ever. I really enjoyed the fact the characters worked as comic book writers for "Vault of Horror", and this tale is probably the funniest.

Last, an artist (Tom Baker) who learns voodoo in Haiti and can command things to happen by painting them. The longest of the five and fairly decent, with some parallels that can be drawn to Dorian Grey.

I liked this film. It was not outstanding, but it was fun and original. The format is much the same as "Tales From the Crypt" or "Creepshow", only this is 1973! If you are a fan of those horror staples, you will like this one, too.
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