Mirrors Pulp Fiction - just not in quality
4 November 2006
Ack! Ack!! I think I coughed up a hairball at the moment I realized the scriptwriter really was trying to pen a love story and not simply another violent comedy piece. there was a heavy whiff of "Natural Born Killers" of course, but it really almost copied "Pulp Fiction" exactly. both "Love..." and "Pulp Fiction" were done in 1994, according to a quick Google. "Love..." seems to be a caricature of Pulp Fiction, especially regarding the soundtrack, which was good but could not even hope to salvage a particularly horrific script. I'm hoping someone can tell us what movie(s) might have spawned this particular genre of comedy-thriller that seems to require a battery of guns, violence, sex, cool-drug music and surf music, drugs and way-too-cool lines. Please drop in a Comment. Thx.
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