beautiful film
6 November 2006
I saw this film at an Amnesty International Film Festival of 20 films and this one, in a field of really excellent films, was the best by far. Not only does it show, in a very subtle way, part of the real horror of our world where children can be exploited to appease the sick lusts of adults with enough money to pay for what they want and no conscience to stop themselves, but it accomplished this in a poetic, beautiful and ironic way. All the actors are terrific, and the ending has the same powerful effect as other great short films of the past. There is mystery and foreshadowing to a secret that the audience doesn't even know they are waiting for-- which, when revealed, bursts a huge bubble of preconceived notions and prejudices and makes one even angrier, with a intensified desire to stop these monstrosities. Bravo.
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