25 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The film is excellent. Sid is great as Sir Rodney Ffing (the Black Fingernail.)As is Jim Dale as Lord Darcy. Kenneth and Peter are fantastic as Bidet and Cammonbert. They are however very like Captain fancy and Jock Strapp in carry on Dick. They end up looking like idiots as in Carry on Dick. The plot of the film is about Sid and Jim trying to stop the Beheadings at the guillotine and make a name called the Black Fingernail.A drawing of a fingernail is left for Bidet and Cammonbert to them to try and catch them but of course they don't.Bidet and Cammonbert try to catch him fail and in the end their heads come off at the guillotine with Sid as the executioner. A classic from beginning to end. Charles Hawtrey is fantastic as the Duc De Pomfritt. The film also includes the late Dany robin as Jacqueline.Sims is great as Desiree Dubarry.10/10
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