Raising Flagg (2006)
Comments received from Roy Stewart
20 November 2006
I found "Raising Flagg" to be a charming film, well directed and well shot. Director of Photography, Erich Roland's, cinematography really demonstrated the Sony camera's capability of delivering pristine film-quality images. His photography was extraordinary and I enjoyed seeing his transition shots of vast Oregon landscapes combined with the interior shots of the actors in various lighting conditions. Shadow detail, depth of field, composition it was all there. Night scenes were also well shot.

The Windows Media 9 encoding and presentation of the film was flawless. The screen size in the Angelica Film Center was typical in size of most theater multiplex screens. The Digital Cinema presentation was bright and sound was excellent. Not at one point was the technology revealed. I simply was in a theater watching an entertaining film.

Digital Cinema is here and now my decision to shoot in High Definition is finalized! Thank you Neal Miller and special thanks to Sony Electronics and Microsoft Windows Media 9!

Roy Francis Stewart Enterstewart Pictures Writer/producer/director "Rock Dreams"
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